If you have stuff all in your paint.. maybee you got bad air.. or are painting outside in a windstorm? ( only half joking ). When i finish painting I always dump the rest of the paint in my cup into a disposable cup.. like a ziplock disposable food container. The activated mix is usually good for a few hours in case i need to do a lugnut or hidden area touch up. Anyway.. after that i pour a few oz of MS in the cup, put on the gun, and slosh around, dump the cup into my waste bucket and then dump in a few oz of naptha, and wipe out with a lint free rag.. .. then I add some more naptha and ms mix and wet my rag and wipe my gun and syphon tube down, and then run the rest of the clear solvent thru the gun spraying on cardboard till it's clear.. then I clean the tip.. wipe out the cup again, close it up and wipe the outside down, and then into it's sealed up plastic box ( old kitty litter 40# tub with lid.) Clean gun helps with painting. My gun is a chinese knock off of a binks.. it was a 15$ gun on sale for 10$.. I bought it 7ys ago.. it looks brand new. I just this year added another gun to my collection, one with a small 10'oz cup, and a regular cup.. so i can move my older gun down to being a dedicated primer gun, and te other to do paint, or small batch painting / touch up. soundguy