This is a link to some pictures of 4020 and 148 loader I am sandblasting and painting in stages.Link I managed to get my 148 loader remounted before it snowed and before temps have not been above 5 degrees for a week. Anyway I had it sandblasted and it is painted. It had been hit hard before I got it. I had it welded and got it pretty straight. Certainly good enough for what I do with it. It lays nice and flat with a new cutting edge on it. Took a few pics. Tractor is in various state of painted. Hood , dash , sidescreens are painted. I do small sections since I am taking everything down to bare metal. I know a couple of shots look like I am just spraying over rust. Not the case at all. Just working my way around. I posted a couple of photos of my quick couplers and joystick setup. For those interested in joystick and 4020. I pulled hydro from the 3 point line close to the back because it was easier to route hose. Hydro dump does not go to filter cover. I put a T in right close to the screen and dump there. I must say, it works very very well. Want to say thanks to geraldj and another fellow who e mailed photos of their joystick setups. Also have a photo of the weep holes with the halos around them. Hoping someone would comment on the severity. I have no water in the oil at all so thinking upper o rings must be deteriorating or the small amount of water getting to oil is vaporizing? no loss of antifreeze so must be at the early stage of deterioration. Also a couple of pics of 790 with 419 loader and 60" mowerdeck