if i got this right. So when i paint my B, ( i told ya i would wait till it ran, and i will, dont worry)Then i should do as follows 1)use paint stripper and wire wheel on angle grinder to remove all signs of crappy brush job, down to bare metal 2)spray primer (same brand as paint), let dry, sand, spray again, let dry again, sand again, spray again, let dry again, sand again (all with 200 grit and sanding block) 3)spray on paint, let dry, spray again, let dry, spray one last time However, i decided to use hardener this time, where would i get it, how much is it, and how much do i put in a gallon of paint??? I'd like to get ready spray this on, less mixing things. I'm also planning on using a cheap spray gun from Harbor freight. I cant justify a $400 gun for a $450 tractor-i just cant. I decided to ask stupid questions instead of screwing something up (again) :-)