Hi Jim, Well, I've used MH168 that has been opened and partially used two years prior without any obvious consequences. I'm not recommending that - just saying I've done it, apparently successfully, on more than one occasion and not only with the MH168, but also with a similar DuPont hardener. I wouldn't do that if I was painting for someone else but since I only paint for myself, I am usually willing to take the risk that there might be a problem. Hardeners are expensive and my work flow doesn't lend itself to using a full can in 14 days, which is a typical time period for most hardeners. Before using previously opened hardeners, I inspect the product for any signs of jelling and for clarity. If all appears well, I'll use it, even if way beyond the 14 days, fully knowing the risk is mine. I have not had a problem doing this for the last 10 years or so. As they say, your mileage may vary. It's your risk if you don't follow the manufacturer's recommendations. Rod