Rusty Jones
11-25-2001 18:27:40
Re: Re: Be careful painting in reply to Clooney, 10-10-2001 07:49:40
I Had to retire from auto painting when the isocyanates started to affect my breathing, while the paint was drying! I used an air-supply mask to apply the paint, but our paint booth leaked the fumes out. The air supply system came with an air mask, 30 ft. of light air supply hose, and a small oilless compressor. I put the air compressor up at the window level, with an opening for fresh air from outside. Only trouble with the system was, the electrical system in the 85 year old bldg. failed me when anyone plugged in anything else electric, and that made the air comp. stop. When it worked it was o.k. You could buy the compressor from Sears, get some new air line, and run a separate, light, hose to the mask from the oilless comp. Put the comp. outside, away from the painting place, and it will do alright. Use a new or clean rubber air mask. plug up the holes where the filters fit on, and in one of them, fit in a connection to the air line. use a light airline, and put a loop hanger to hang on your shoulder to support the airline, so it doesn't pull off the mask when you move around. Yours: Rusty Jones Maybe, to cut cost, you can use a so-called diaphragm compressor. some times they are sitting around someones garage, not being used any more! If you buy a commercial one, it'll cost big money, so look around.