Hi Tom, For best adhesion I recommend the following: 1. Remove any surface contaminants with a wax and grease remover such as PPG DX 330, Acryli-Clean. If there is any significant surface corrosion, a light sandblasting (or wire brushing) might be in order...but that shouldn't be necessary if new materials were used. 2. Chemically clean the aluminum surface with an etch cleaner such as PPG DX 533, Aluminum Cleaner. 3. Condition the aluminum surface with a chemical conditioner such as PPG DX 503, Aluminum Conditioner. Note: you would use DX 501 instead of DX 503 if you wanted to retain the natural aluminum appearance; for example, if you were going to clearcoat it. 4. Prime with an epoxy primer such as PPG DPLF or the more economical MP170 in the PPG OMNI line. 5. Cover with your choice of topcoat. I know this sounds like a lot of effort but it is the best way, IMO, to get a nice, long lasting product. It's not difficult but is messy and should be done with the canopy off the tractor. DuPont has similar materials to treat aluminum for painting but I don't have the product references handy. I have had good luck with this type of prep on aluminum engine heads and valve covers after light sandblasting to remove surface corrosion. I was clearcoating those items so I used the DX 501 conditioner and no primer. I am not familiar with "polyclutch" so cannot comment on that. Rod