You can use E-prime over acrylic laquer with no ill effects. But I have to ask why would you want to? Acrylic enamel will work just fine over the laquer primer and will not lift it. If I truly wanted to use E-primer over laquer primer, I would sand the laquer first with 240 grit and then mix the paint have it in the gun, ready to spray. Mix your e-prime using a little drying retarder to slow the drying process. You might add a touch of mid-coat adhesion promoter just to be on the safe side in case some areas of laquer primer did not get sanded well. Give your tractor a light coat of e-prime covering everything well with one medium coat. Set the primer gun down and grab the paint gun and shoot your first coat of paint. While the first coat tacks up you can clean your primer gun. By the time you are done cleaning, the first coat of paint should be tacky enough to finish the paint job. Using e-prime as a sealer is an old trick, as e-primer will not react with any underlaments or top coats. Works the same as a regular primer-sealer.