OK guys, here's the deal. In order to save wear and tare on my poor arthritic typing fingers, I'm posting this seperately. The product used as the electrolytic agent for electrolytic rust removal is ARM & HAMMER All Natural Super Washing Soda Detergent Booster. I just copied that right off the yellow box with the blue letters. The SKU # is 0 33200 03020 1In the process of getting this information, I actually read the box, and this product appears to be some pretty handy stuff for purposes other than electrolytic derusting. You can obtain a Free Booklet by sending a self addressed stamped envelope to Super Washing Soda, Arm & Hammer Division, Box 7648, Princeton, NJ 08543. The actual chemical name of the stuff inside the box is Sodium Carbonate, but a chemicle supplier will probably charge you 10 times the price the supermarket gets. Arm & Hammer also makes a laundry detergent, but that ain't what you want for derusting. If you can't find Super Washing Soda, you can use Bicarbonate of Soda, also made by Arm & Hammer, it just won't work as fast.