I have a MM V that will be the first tractor that will make it past the mechanical fixing stage. I have just spent some time reading past posts here about kinds of paint, combinations of rust inhibitors with primer & then paint, types of masks to use, etc. I have never painted anything that I really cared too much about the quality, look and durability of the piece, now I will. I have seen tractors where the paint around the filler on the gas tank is bad, where oil leaks have stained the paint in places, and other flaws especially with the Prairie Gold color of a Moline. I don't want this to happen to my tractor. If there is an oil leak (I hope there is not, but it may) I want to be able to clean it off and not stain. I don't want to have to redo the gas tank in the event I would spill a little on it when filling. Am I just wishing for too much or are all these faults related to the quality of the paint, how it was applied, etc. I would like to spend a little more on the paint to have it done right the first time. Planning on sandblasting most pieces as I will be using new gaskets, so will tear down pretty much everthing. Also since I have several other tractors that will be coming down the same road in future years would like to learn how to do it to save on the cost there and just cause I want to say that "I did this". What advice can some of you who have been where I am now give me?