Rusty Jones/ The Mower Ma
11-17-2003 16:55:52
Re: cardinal sin in reply to jf, 11-17-2003 12:38:06
Yes, you can paint a tractor with a brush, and make it look nice, too First off, you should clean the old grease and oil off of it, by steam cleaning, or soap and water, and then using mineral spirits as a wash, with plenty of clean rags! Next, sand (#80 sand paper) or grind off any rust. then using a sanding paper, #220, sand the smooth surfaces and any old paint left on it. I've had good luck with Rust-oleum paints. They have a rusty metal primer that can be used with good results on bare metal. Paint all of the bare metal parts with it. After it is dry, sand it smooth with # 220 sand paper. Then try to get all of the sanding dust out of the cracks and off the machine. a final go-over with the spirits will be good. I've been using Rust-oleum on my mowers and tractors, but you can go to an automotive paint store and ask them if they have any type of paint suitable for brushing. If not, Rust-oleum will suffice. It can be thinned with Mineral spirits, but be careful--don't thin it too much, or it will soon lose its gloss. Brush it with long strokes one way if possible, and don't get too much on at one time--it will sag and run, but if ya ketch it in time, ya can brush it out. Paint from the bottom up! I've brushed several trucks back when i didn't have much money or experience, and they turned out alright! RJ