02-18-2004 18:18:50
Re: WHAT PRIMER, PAIND, HARDNER DO I USE in reply to PAT, 02-18-2004 12:23:34
I will list some brief thoughts, all of this is in the archives (several times), and Rod and Butch, and others can expand on it. Don't mix brands of primer, paint, hardener etc, and do exactly what the P-sheets say, these are available from your dealer, or on the internet, PPG gives no instructions on their cans. The P-sheets will also list the recommended tip size for your gun. Use PPG Omni MP 170 epoxy primer on the cast and small parts that don't have to be absolutely smooth, followed by MTK acrylic urethane as a topcoat. 170 is a nonsanding primer. Do the same thing on the sheet metal, except use hardened MP 182 surfacer after the epoxy, sanded between applications -- actually two or three applications, 15 minutes or so between them, then dry and sand, and repeat until smooth. Then topcoat. You can use hardened Omni acrylic enamel as an alternative, you might read the posts below about the differences between enamel and urethane. Nothing magic about PPG, DuPont, Sherwin Williams, and Martin Senour have quality paints also, I have only used PPG. PPG has better paint than Omni, but be prepared to take out a loan. I have never used self-etching primer, I do use a product called Picklex 20, (comes in squirt bottles) on bare metal, it etches the surface and prevents rust. Bare metal is supposed to be sanded with no finer than 180 grit sandpaper prior to the 170; the Picklex 20 goes on after sanding, and is scuffed with Scotchbright pads if it sits for more than a day or so. The Picklex 20 is not necessary if you have removed ALL rust and are able to paint immediately after sanding, something I'm never able to do. Again, read the archives.