Rusty Jones
03-07-2004 09:51:38
Re: oil canning hood in reply to Larry NE IL, 03-06-2004 21:04:54
Do you have a welding torch? And a body grinder? Or some paint remover? Also an auto body "dolly" and a flat, smooth headed hammer. You'll need that stuff! Remove the old paint, primer, whatever, down to the bare metal. Set the hood where you can work on it, like on saw horses. Using the torch, heat an area about 3 inches across. Get it red hot. Using the hammer on top and the dolly for a back-up underneath, work the red hot tin down, shrinking it bit by bit, working toward the center of the spot, then re-heat it and work it again, until you get it shrunk some, then go to another adjacent spot, and do it all over again, until you get it down reasonably well! Since you've already ruined the hood by pounding out the dents, you can't hurt it now with this treatment! OR!! Take it to an auto body shop and ask them how much to do it for you. They may have somebody there who knows the process, but then the modern auto body people seem to only know how to replace parts, not straighten them! If all else fails, or the cost is too great, then pound down the tin until you get it to not oil-can, grind it and fill it with plastic as a last resort! RJ