05-17-2004 07:41:43
Re: Re: Re: Okay, I bought paint, gun, etc........ in reply to Rod (NH), 05-16-2004 19:30:42
I don't use laquer thinner for much of anything, and I only use reducer to mix with paint except for the MS 100 that I clean my guns with, because it's cheaper. I think most people that go to the "normal" paint store, the one Mac went to included, get bad advice. I certainly don't use my paint salesman as an advisor, there are exceptions, but my experience is that most of them don't know very much, seems to be high turnover where I live. Most of the DX330 (or occasionally DX440) I use is for cleaning oily residues that my anemic pressure washer won't remove. I also use it as a final wipe before painting, in which case I try not to let it dry on the surface, but dry it with a clean cloth followed by a tack rag -- I think that is the correct procedure. The "newer" cleaners that PPG has, my supplier doesn't carry. The squirt bottle I use produces a mist, this is mainly for cleaning, since I soak things pretty good sometimes. Prior to painting I use a cloth, since the surface is clean by then anyway, this is only for the finger prints, etc that you mentioned. DX 330 is not good to breathe, either, and the mist doesn't help, so I use a mask. I guess we have to accept that people will use iso's at their own risk -- does seem to fall on deaf ears. It's going to get them someday, though. I certainly hope the govt regulation you refer to does not occur.