Rusty Jones/ The Mower Ma
06-04-2004 16:13:41
Re: Nitro-Stan or Body filler in reply to Ian, 05-30-2004 19:18:54
NOTE: Nitro-stan is a glazing putty, used to fill slight imperfections in the plastic filler, used on automotive applications, and after the application of a light coat of primer. For your deep rust pits, you'd best sand-blast the pits, use plastic filler, let it harden, then block sand it down smooth. Nitro stan will take forever to get hard enough to sand, and probably take many coats, and much sanding, which can be avoided with the use of plastic filler. If you sand blast the deep pitted areas, then apply the plastic filler, and after sanding it, apply the primer soon, you probably won't have to worry about any rust popping up for a long time! But, it must have the top coat applied soon, too, since primer is porous, and will let moisture thru, which will cause rust to form under it and under the plastic, which is something to be avoided! Rusty Jones