07-20-2004 19:55:04
Re: New to restoration -- need any info on paint in reply to Jeff H., 07-20-2004 18:48:38
It's hard to write a book without specific questions to answer. Go to your nearest bookstore and see if you can find Farmall Letter Series Tractors by Guy Fay -- lots of pictures and info. Your tractor is all red, except for the steering wheel rim, and the wheel rims, which were originally galvanized. The correct red paint code is IH 50, that crosses to PPG 70019 or Dupont 7410. Dupont Nason is similar to PPG Omni, but most people on this board use PPG, probably just coincidence, but it is good paint. If you are new to painting, you probably don't want to invest in a supplied air system to protect you from hardened paint. Therefore PPG's Omni system would consist of MP 170 epoxy primer on everything. 182 surfacer on the sheet metal (can be sanded for a smooth surface), followed by 70019 MAE acrylic enamel topcoat, without hardener. Case-IH sells premixed IH 2150, a color slightly different from IH 50 (they do not sell IH 50). It is slightly cheaper that the PPG product, and is compatible with the epoxy primer, and "probably" with the 182 surfacer, but I have not used it. I would not use the cheaper synthetic enamel sold at farm stores, as it is not quality paint and will fade rapidly, unless your tractor is inside all the time. Rust pits can probably be filled with body filler, depending on how bad they are. There is a lot of info in the archives on this site -- I suggest you review them first, then ask specific questions. It is hard for me to give you a "quick and dirty" way to paint a tractor, as I believe in complete disassembly, and replacing all gaskets and seals first, followed by (or preceded by, depending on the part) complete removal of all paint and rust. Someone else may have a faster way -- takes me several months.