I know of lots of people who have tractors that were never painted, but the 720 and 730 tractors were in fact done with a large yellow decal---water soluble type to be sure---but a decal nontheless. Look in the parts catalog, page 80-9 and page 80-10 of pc 532 (diesel tractors) and see for yoursaelf. Of course by now, the yellow is indistiguishable from paint, but it IS a decal. Unfortunately, those decals are no longer available in that form. Travis Jorde and K&K both sell the green JOHN DEERE and the 720 or 730 model designators, but you have to paint the yellow background and then, correctly position the letters and numbers yourself! What I want to know is why NO ONE has reproduced a decal EXACTLY like the old originals---one which does NOT require painting the background! I do not see any manufacturing reason why these could not be produced. It would likely be more expensive---just look at the hood medallions for the NG tractors which have the "raised letters just like the originals" and see how those prices compare to the non original versions! I personally think I could get a better grade of paint job done, if I didn't have to mask and paint two colors. Is this so hard to understand? I also think that such a decal,if successfully positioned, would actually LOOK better as well! (just so 520 and 630 owners don't think I've ignored them, the same applies to all of the 20 & 30 series, WATERLOO built tractors. Dubuque apparantly DID paint the yellow trim)