Daryl, It depends on how large your storage is. Some of the portable units only have about 4 or 5 gallon of storage capacity. That's not very much at all. Lets assume you have 4.5 gal storage and that your compressor cuts in at 90 psig and out at 120 psig. At 120 psig there are 5.4 standard cubic feet (scf) of air in a 4.5 gal tank. You will need to allow a reasonable pressure drop from your tank to your gun because of your pressure regulator, filters, fittings, hose etc. Typically I would allow about 20 psig for that. That means when your tank pressure drops to about 40 psig, your gun pressure will be 20 psig, a little below what you should have. Therefore your tank pressure cannot drop below about 40 psig during your spray time. At 40 psig in the tank, there are 2.2 scf of air remaining. At your compressor cut-in pressure of 90 psig, there are 4.2 scf of air in your tank.The tank pressure will drop from 120 to 90 when 1.2 scf of air has been removed (5.4-4.2). At a rate of withdrawal of 11.4 scfm, that will take about 6 seconds! From 90 psig down to 40 psig tank pressure, you will be withdrawing 11.4 scfm with the gun but the compressor will now be running providing about 6 scfm into the tank. The difference is 5.4 scfm which causes the tank pressure to continue to drop. From 4.2 scf at 90 to 2.2 at 40 represents 2 scf of air. At a rate of consumption of 5.4 scfm, that will take 2/5.4 = 0.37min = 22 sec. My conclusion is that you will be able to paint for no more than about 30 seconds before your gun pressure will drop too much, even with the compressor running. That assumes you start out will a full tank at 120 psig. These are rather crude numbers since temperature effects are not considered. If they were, it probably would be somewhat less than 30 sec. You must select a part to paint that you can complete the first coat on in 30 seconds maximum. That will be the largest part you should undertake with such a setup. My guess is you could cover 7 or 8 square feet total with one coat in 30 sec using a typical 6-8" fan pattern and 50% overlap. If your tank capacity is more than 4.5 gal, then your time will be greater and you could do a larger part. Rod