02-17-2005 18:44:43
Re: Question for CNKS in reply to Charles Park, 02-17-2005 12:32:18
If it was my tractor, I would remove it. Epoxy can be used over an old finish provided the finish is sound. If all he did was wash it down and spray, and did not prepare the surface, it was not properly prepared. What about the old paint, was there any rust, etc? Some people are of the opinion that the cast part is rough enough without prep, I don't agree--I'm not guaranteeing it won't work, but I wouldn't do it that way-- I am NOT an expert, and have never tried it. That said MP 170 epoxy can be used over other primers, but PPG says they need to be compatible-- if it was not a PPG Omni primer, the 170 might not be compatible with it. If you use an epoxy made by the same company as the red primer, maybe, but that is sort of backwards, as the epoxy should go on first. Scroll down thru the link until you find MP 170, the list is more or less alphabetical. I answer this way, because I am a "by the book" type person. The book is the spec sheets, and I have never had a reason to deviate from them. Due to the amount of work required to get the primer off and prepare the surface properly, particularly the cast, it is understandble that you are hesitant to follow the book.