Let me answer for all the rank amatures out there. ('cause that's where I fit in) I tried painting a few things over the years with old fashioned high pressure siphon guns. Bad luck prevailed.... I recently bought a cheap "Home Depot" Husky HVLP Gravity feed gun, and a MUCH better Sharpe Platinum HVLP Gravity gun. Then I painted a couple tractors. BOTH looked like a professional did them! (If I do say so myself!) Advantages I saw with the HVLP gravity gun; No wasting paint. Not near as much overspray in the air and on the ground. Easier to clean out when done. That equates to less paint used. No "spitting" when the gun runs out of paint. If you DO get a good job, you won't ruin it with splattering paint from the gun. Little or no orange peel (provided you get the paint thinned correctly) With the lower pressure, the paint lays on smoother. You asked about this issue. It WAS my biggest problem with my old gun. BOTH tractors look as slick as anyones paint job. I used acrylic enamel on one and uerethane on the second. That's two completely different animals, and they both did very well. Like I said, I'm far from an expert. I think that makes using a PROPER gun MORE important. A pro can take just about any gun and do a good job. It's us "rookies" that need all the help we can get.