04-06-2005 18:17:08
Re: shrinking metal how to. in reply to dr.sportster, 04-06-2005 08:17:34
The advice given in the previous letter is good! If you try to shrink it yourself, you'll probably screw it up! But--With a finishing body hammer, and a round nose hand dolly, a welding torch, and some patience, it can be done. first, go over to the local auto body shop and get a junk hood or fender, take it home, and practice on it first! Put a similar dent in the used part! Grind off any paint or primer. Grind lightly, don't warp the metal! Then heat a spot about 3 inches in diameter, using the dolly nose, bump up on the dent, and hammer off the dolly as you bump the hot metal up, or down. now, if the dent or bump is in the middle of a large flat area, better to get professional help! by: Rustyj Note: It will be handy to have something to hang the lit torch on, so you don't have to keep lighting it up each time, or turning it off to do the work! This holds true, unless you have 3 hands!