Hi Mark, You do not mention the presence of any rust, which is the more difficult problem to deal with. I also assume you have everything disassembled to the maximum practical extent. You should decide to what level of effort (and expense) you want to go in your project. If you are not trying for a 20 yr automotive "show" finish, you can make things fairly easy on yourself. Assuming no significant rusting is present, I suggest you wipe everything, including cast parts, down with a degreasing agent to remove any oils that may be present...even from fingerprints. DuPont 3919S, Prep-Sol, is one of several such products that can be used for this purpose. I am not a fan of spray can paints, although they can be used for small projects. If you have a compressor and a touch up gun, my preference would be to stick with a sprayable primer that is recommended for the topcoat that you are going to use, preferably from the same manufacturer. A spray touch up gun should do just fine. Mine has about a 3" maximum pattern and I use it a lot (for anything less than a full automotive-size panel). I doubt you have any large continuous surfaces on the garden tractor that would justify using a full size gun. Rod