Folks, I’m new to this board, but have been over at the N board for a year or so.I searched the archives, but couldn’t find an answer. I restored my N ford last year, but had to store her outside before I could do my final touch-up on the paint. A lot of the seams where the castings go together, plus most of the bolts and nuts have developed a pretty good rust film. I need to figure a way to remove (or seal) the rust so I can apply paint, but I REALLY don’t want to have to blast, mask and repaint just for one bolt head or 1/16 seam. I’m planning on doing the touch-up with small paint brush. Will phosphoric acid work? Will it destroy my existing (PPG) paint? What about POR-15? I thought about going in with a Dremel and a small wire brush, but is there a better way? If I don't have to take it to bare metal, prep, prime, and spray I'd be ecstatic! Thanks for the help! Roger