Hi Jason, There are different kinds of "glazing putty". I recommend the two-part finishing putty rather than the older, single component, acrylic or lacquer-based "spot putty". It also depends on how deep the pits are. Generally I prefer to epoxy prime first, apply the putty, sand and then reprime. However, I've also done it the other way by applying the putty before primer. In that case however, I used a product to prevent flash rusting so I wasn't concerned with getting a first coat of primer on immediately. You can see some pictures of that particular fix for pits here. See photos numbered 14, 15 and 16. As it turned out, many of the pits were deeper than I thought and in hindsight I should have applied putty over the entire fender rather than just the area shown and counting on a surfacer for the others. You can notice those other pits in photo number 20. If you are not using a two-part epoxy primer however, I think the two-part putty should go directly on the metal, after sanding or blasting the surface to provide "tooth" for adhesion. If instead, you wind up using the lacquer-based spot putty, I think that should not go directly on bare metal but only over a primer or surfacer. Rod