08-05-2005 08:32:48
Re: Reducer for Quality farm Fleet paint in reply to BPNT, 08-04-2005 21:39:19
Yes, supply us with the numbers -- I will not dispute your knowledge if you work for PPG, BUT one problem with negative pressure respirators is they have to fit perfectly, else you breathe in fumes from around the mask, I have been there and have done that. A perfect fit is hard to obtain --Also, assuming you have a perfect seal, how do you know when to change the cartridges? they begin to degrade as soon as they are opened -- people have been around and around with this, on this and other forums. I simply do not believe that you are safe with a cartridge mask. I want to see an actual statement on the package, or the info that comes with them that says it will filter iso's. I have had the beginning effects of iso poisoning, it scared the H-- out of me. This occurred with very minimimal exposure, and probably was because I was sensitized to some of the herbicides you mentioned (years of exposure). I use a supplied air system and get absolutely no reaction to isos. I am sure you are more knowledgeable than me about paint booths -- a cartridge mask may be adequate for the bodyshop people who have downdraft paint booths, perhaps even a good cross flow, I don't know. Because a good exhaust system quickly pulls the stuff out. I don't believe OSHA requires supplied air systems, only that the booth be below a certain % of VOC's, I believe that number is 20%. Us amatures who paint in a fog do not have such booths, and no way to measure the VOC. Iso's can kill. I apologize for the harsh response, isos are one chemical that I am afraid of, if not afraid, then I am certainly aware of what they can do. The use of a cartridge mask is something that has to be based on fact, not merely an opinion such as what paint to use. Come to think of it, I believe I already have the numbers you are going supply -- all are qualified by "except isos".