Dan: I paint my own stuff, and having een through dozens over the years, it is very diffucult to get a real quality job performed on a tractor unless it has been painted a couple of coats in pieces. That way, after it is back together, you can scuff the glossy areas one more time and then shoot the assembled tractor. Just about any good shop can and will paint it, but just keep in mind that there will be some areas that are darn near impossible to coat and not have a run, plus, the car guys aren't all that used to painting upside down as you often have to do on the belly of a tractor. So, if you want to remove the hood, grills, slide the wheels out at a minimum, jack it up, remove the front wheels, generator, mask the gauges, remove the lights, mask the tires from the rims, tape visqueen all around the tire assemblies to keep the yellow off of the green and the green off of the yellow, and if you have a place to so this work, you can probably do a respectable job yourself. I painted this one myself. The paint is PPG DAR #46180. If you decide to do it, there are a lot of people who can offer you advice. You might add your location and people might be able to offer you suggestions of shops that are local to you. Frank