Below is a procedure given to me about 3 years ago for HVLP, not siphon feed -- I have not used it to paint with, but have put water in the gun, turned it upside down, and sprayed the water -- after a few sputters, the gun settled down and sprayed uniformly. You can also buy bags for the guns that will do the same thing. That said, I simply tilt the gun enough and spray at an angle with no bag whatever. It seems to work, and any defects in the paint do not show unless you turn the tractor over. Charles, Here it is- it will probably sound crazy - but you'll just have to try it to see that it works. Hope it helps you out -feel free to use it -would appreciate some feedback on how it works and if you had any problems etc. Same with the instructions- if there is anything not clear- please let me know. In the meantime happy upside down painting.--Gary © The following is how to easily and cheaply paint upside down with a gravity feed gun when the situation calls for the gun to be inverted in order to effectively spray the panel. While the Devilbiss paint bags are certainly a good solution- and work fine- what do you do when you don't have them or can't justify the cost for a box of them when you only need one? The method to accomplish this is very simple and low cost ie free!. Assuming you get or can get some plastic grocery bags you will be in business. Take one of the bags and cut it down both sides to open the bag up. Then cut across the bottom to make two large pieces of plastic. I am talking about the bags the grocery store sends you home with when you shop. The next step is to wipe down (both sides) one of the pieces of plastic with lacquer thinner-this accomplishes two things- First it assures you that that plastic it not going to be destroyed by the paint products- Second assuming it survives the thinner test (haven't had a bag flunk yet) it will have the plastic nice and clean. You can also further test the material by soaking a small piece in some thinner. Use ONLY the plastic grocery bags- some of the other plastic bags (Glad, Baggies etc) may have a mold release on them. Plus they are not as thin which is critical for this to work correctly. Next- take the lid off of the paint cup, if you haven't already done so. Then center the sheet of plastic over the cup and gently push it down to the bottom and shape it along the sides of the cup -so that the entire inside of the cup has plastic touching it. Place the lid on the cup-then-trim away the excess -leaving about an inch overhanging the edge of the cup. Then CAREFULLY remove the lid while holding onto the plastic that you put on the inside of the cup. (it's going to look like a giant condom!)Set this aside on a nice clean section of your bench. Mix up your paint as per the instructions -and pour NO more than half a cup full into the cup. Next- pick up the lid and plastic you laid on the bench- holding onto the edge of the lid to hold the plastic film in place. Sloooowly lower the plastic film into the cup- when the film contacts the paint it will start to fold up like an accordion as you slowly lower the lid into place. Hold onto the lid and carefully turn the spray gun upside down- and make sure you have no leaks etc. Assuming no leaks and that you put the lid on securely- connect your air line to the spray gun. Turn it so that the nozzle is pointing up towards the ceiling. Pull the trigger- for a few seconds all that will come out is air- then paint will start to flow- at this point you are ready to paint upside down. That's IT!! The reason you only fill the cup half way is so that the folded up plastic has someplace to fold up into- plus it has to be able to go clear to the bottom of the cup-other wise paint would stop flowing at the lowest point in the cup that it(the bag) would reach. Suggest you try the technique first with water or lacquer thinner in the cup- to make sure you have the procedure down pat before you use good product. That's all it will take to spray in those hard to reach areas with your gravity gun. Enjoy and think of the money you just saved.