Still being an amature painter myself.. I've got to say that the finish paint job is 70% 'prep', and only 20% environmental, and only 10% materials and tools. That said.. I use a 9$ chinese paint gun from harbor freight, and up until this year used a 19$ air regulator/ filter also chinese, and an 89$ pancake compressor.. also chinese. For paint and primer, i use the BPS paints and primers.. ( not the most expensve stuff.. but not the absolute cheapest either.. ). Given the cheapy tools.. and economy paints, I must say.. i've turned out some paint jobs that look pretty darn good. in the last 3 years, I did my 46 ford 2n, 49 Allis chalmers G, and a 75 ford 5000. All turned out with a finish like glass... I have a couple pics o fthe allis G where you can see reflections in the paint it is so shiny. Even the cast turns to a glass finish. It wasn't the 24$ / gallon paint.. or the 9$ gun. It was the 2 weeks of sanding and work on the tin, and just a little bit of 'weather' planning looking for a low humidity, no/lo wind / NO rain day that was partly cloudy..with temps between 40' and 90', as you don't want bright hot sun. Like I said.. i'm way amature.. but..I've gotten superior results thru practice.. not practice at painting.. practice at sanding and beating and filling dents... etc. Also.. add a touch of class to a job.. Do as good a masking job as you do finish prep.. that means.. tape off hoses, belts, and wires.. Nothing says 'auction paint job' more than painted hoses and belts and wires... good luck and have fun! Soundguy