Earl Griffes
05-07-2008 18:17:25
The County Line Antique Tractor Club will be holding their first dead weight tractor pull at the Fowlerville Fair grounds. It will be pulled on a dirt track. weigh in before your class, pull to start at 10 am with the 2500 pound class. COUNTY LINE ANTIQUE TRACTOR CLUB
Dead Weight Dirt
Tractor Pull Rules
General Rules:
1. Contestants enter at their own risk, County Line Antique Tractor Club and the Fowlerville Fair Grounds will not be held responsible for any injuries, accidents or property damage.
2. Any puller under the age of 18 must have parent or guardian sign them in at the time of pull sign up. All pullers must be able to operate their tractor on their own.
3. Weight classes: 2,500, 3,750, 4,750, 5,750, 6750. Weight to be added to pulling sled each round of 500 pounds in the 2,500 and 3,750 classes and 1,000 pounds in each round in the 4,750; 5,750 and 6,750 classes. Boat to be pulled a distance of 12’ to be considered a full pull. Measurement to be taken if less than a full pull to determine placing in class. There will be no boat spotting during each class.
4. All pulls to be from a tight chain. Drivers must stop as soon as the flag person signals to stop. Driver will have 2 attempts at each load if needed.
5. Driver will have option of direction of pull on second attempt when room on pulling track allows. If rear tire of tractor touches the out of bounds line it will result in a disqualified pull attempt.
6. Excessive engine RPM is not allowed.
7. Drivers must remain seated on tractor while making pull. One hand must be on steering wheel at all times while pulling.
8. Hitch height is to be no more than 18” high and actual hitch point (hitch hole) must be behind the radius of the rear tires to be checked with a string at the hitch height. Hitch must have a minimum 3” opening, must be rigid in all directions, no loose clevises. 9. Front end rise shall not be excessive or unsafe on or off the track. Wheelie bars are recommended.
10. Judges reserve the right to stop any contestant considered operating in an unsafe or dangerous manner. Judges reserve discretion on all rules stated and not stated.
11. All weights must be securely fastened, if any weights or tractor parts fall off tractor during the pull attempt the tractor will be disqualified. Weights must not extend behind the radius of the rear tires, and must not extend further forward than 11’ from the center of the rear axle.
12. Tires spun backwards are allowed, Top cut tires are allowed. Full cut tires are NOT allowed. No dual tires allowed. No four wheel drive tractors allowed. Maximum Tire size for each class:
2500 class 145 sq in
3750 class 170 sq in
4750 class 210 sq in
5750 class 252 sq in
6750 class NO Limit.
13. No adding of weight after weigh in for each class including gas. Judges reserve right to weigh any tractor at any time.
14. More than one puller may pull a tractor in any class, each tractor may only receive one placing in each class. Tractors are allowed to pull in more than one class.