Greg H.
05-15-2001 08:22:30
Re: Adjusted The A Tractor! in reply to Adam C., 05-12-2001 16:04:59
Adam, Like D Neubert stated earlier, sled pulling is totally different than discing, or anything else you will ever pull with your tractor for that matter. If it were me, and I had the money, I'd find out what the largest tire sise I could run, and go out and buy a set and a little wider rim. Around here you can go up to 15.5 wide, but most people go to 14.9 feild and road, for the slightly larger tire radius. Also if you are stock plan on pulling in first gear, and learn how to keep your tractor in the torque position, and practice the balance,while pulling. I personally would go nose heavy on power{sticky} tracks, and let the down pressure of the sled weight the back after around 200 ft mark. I find if you loose drawbar on a two lunger you're done. However on power tracks you'll do great with practice, but on loose tracks, you'll get left behind by higher RPM models that are easy to soup up for greater ground speed, but atleast you'll be pulling, and with a fine old tractor I might add,{late model A's 49-51 rowcrop is one of my favorite classic tractors}. Take care, and good luck. Greg H.