I pull a stock Super M-TA. I feel that I am pretty competitive, and I have only done some simple modifications to my tractor. The first mod you want to attempt is shortening your drawbar and making it adjustable some way, i.e., bolt with a D shaped ring and stack washers under it. Simple, yet very effective. Run the highest and shortest drawbar you are permitted, which gives maximum downpull on the rear of your tractor when she gets to pullin :) (this transfers to traction!) Next, build weight brackets. One in front and wheel weights are common, I have one built behind the axle and two that are under the belly in front of the axles to hang suitcase weights on. I am able to pull my tractor from 6500 to 10500 lbs. 9500 and 10500 I run with the TA back from the start, but you don't have that option :)Straight M's run best from 5500 to 8500, depending on what the motor is made of. Learning how to weight your tractor properly is the biggest key in pulling successfully. This takes lots and lots of practice as well as patience. Third, get some good rear tires on her. I run 15.5 x 38's, and most M's do that are pulling. I've heard that a 14.9 does decent and have seen many pull with 13.6's. Firestone Field and Roads seem to be the most popular. The key is to find a tire that is about shot and really really road worn to give a sharp edge to the cleats. Mine are that way, and have had people ask me if they are cut. The tires were gotten from a 656 that did a lot of road work and I haul my share of wagons on the road as well. When pulling, you want to play with the air pressure, and finding the best pressure for the weight class and the track takes a lot of practice and a lot of patience. Finally, make sure you tractor is in top running condition. Make sure the governer is tight, the timing is exact, new points and plugs, carb is adjusted perfectly, etc. All of these contribute to a good run down the track. Practice, practice, practice! That's what it takesto learn. Have a ball...email if you have any questions. M's rule! 54