Greg H.
07-25-2002 10:19:10
Re: Building a tractor in reply to BLK, 07-22-2002 18:50:44
Call HyperMax, get a big turbo, and injectors, and set up your pump. If you don't increase your cid, your rotary pump will supply all the smoke you want. You might want to get a Hypermax TA, because the stock TA's don't seem to take real well to increased Hp. one of my friends, just got a bigger turbo, and changed his pump set up, and increased his RPM's drastically, and was getting around 250 on the dyno. Ofcourse that's not very much by turbo standards. If you beef up your 1066 or 1466 alot, you might want to consider a Machined Flywheel, so as to not sling one out the side when you are cranking 5 grand on the tach. It's only an extra thousand dollars. Do what you want, but turbo class tractors, in my oppinion, are nothing but money pits, that only get worse as compitition becomes stiffer. I don't think you can poor boy it and be satistied with your results. Get an 806, or a 966, and pull in a Natural asperated farm class, and save some serious dough. Good luck though, Greg H.