The first dollars spent should be to maximumize what you've got. If you have not checked already, make sure everything is up to snuff. Do everything you can within the rules: a cheater alway finishes last, no matter how far they pull! Lose the oil bath and use an open element, get an electronic ignition to go with the MSD you've ordered (works best with a .40-.55 plug gap), tin wheels and a lighter front end gives you more moveable weight. Set the valves .005 tight, you get more lift and they won't get hot enough in a 300' pull to matter. Find or rent a dyno, this will pay big returns. Experiment with gasoline grades, timing, carb adjustments. This is a quick run-through on the cheap hp. After this comes carb work, distributor curves, porting and flowing (I do my own porting for a "stock" engine, for one that's "real big" I'll pay for the professional port and flow work - it's worth it.) bore, stroke, cams, and blaa, blaa, blaa - the sky is the limit. Set a budget and stick to it. And what every you do, don't build one that too big for the "stock" class and too small for the open class. Some will argue, but I've seen it, and you have to feel bad for them. Good luck.