Picked up a couple flyers while in Dacusville, SC at the Dacusville Farm Days over the weekend for some pulls later this year. ** But don't forget that SATPA has pulls on Saturday October 26 and Saturday November 9, and that's where I'll be those Saturdays!!* October 25, 26, 27 Arden, NC I-26 Exit 9 across from Asheville Airport. Antique Engine & Tractor Show, West NC Annual Fall Harvest Days, Western NC Ag Center - Saturday 11:00am - Sunday 12:00noon Contact Dean 828-628-3798 * November 8, 9, 10 St. Matthews, SC - approx 8 Miles West of St. Matthews on Hwy 176 - Sunny Plain Antique Power Association - Friday night practice pull 7:30pm $5.00/hook, - Saturday 1:45pm $10/hook - Sunday 1:00pm $10.00/hook Contact Otis 803-655-7513; Rowdy 803-655-7950; Charlie 803-784-1156 Thought these might be of interest to ya'll - don't know about rules yet, maybe someone else out there knows.