12-06-2002 07:43:21
Re: 6030 pulling in reply to KD, 12-05-2002 18:43:42
You're kind of talking about two completely different animals there, as far as the tractors go. I would go with the 6030. Engine parts will be higher, but they're built heck for stout and will take everything you can throw at it as far as the transmission and rear end go. A 6619 is an easy swap to replace the 6531 engine, and they can really be made to run strong. 375-400 horsepower is easy to achieve. 6030s only came with synchro-range transmissions, so you're not going to be shifting going down the track, but they'll get it done. The best pull-off I've ever seen was between a 6030 and a quad-range 4640. I think they were weighted to 18,000 lbs or so, and the 6030 just walked off with the sled while starting out, while the 4640 really had to work to get it moving. The 4640 won by a few feet at the far end, but those tractors pull against each other often, and it's always nip and tuck. The quad-range in the 4430 is an excellent transmission, and the perma-clutch is nearly indestructible when used correctly. If you're interested in that size of tractor, I would recommend going with a 4440. They're a little heavier, but are also stronger and have the 6466 engine stock, which you would probably swap into the 4430 anyway, as the 6404 doesn't have a very strong torque curve. The binder faithful will tell you to go with a 1066, as they can be built to run good pretty cheap, but you can have a lot of fun with a Deere and win some pulls - especially in stock classes.