Semi all the way! I am a Ford man. Have driven the Durajunk/noise-o-matic, and the crummins. Not impressed. Pass alot of them on the hills. But a semi is FAR cheaper. If you want to be legal with a 1-ton and gooseneck it all cost the same. Once you go over 26,000lbs Gross (truck, trailer, tractor, fuel, wife, etc) you fall in the same class as a semi anyway in most states; ie. CDL's, $300 tag, fuel stickers, log book, etc,etc,etc. Trouble with that is, when u want to go to the movies in ur 1-ton semi, it is still a comercial vehicle, tagged commercial, and looked at as commercial. Think the wife wants to have to have CDL's to drive it to grocery store? She will if you tag it over 26,000 to stay out of DOT's little hut on the Interstate! Check the DOT's laws in the states you want to run in before you pay $40,000 for something u can't use to haul your tractors with. When these new trucks way as much as they do, ad a decent trailer, and there isnt much room left for a tractor at 26,000. The Fords in a crew cab F350 will be abour 8500lb EMPTY add ur 6500lb gooseneck and put ur baby stroller on it and be over weight. Of course there is one advantage to the Durajunk, they don't weigh as much as the Fords or the Dodges, alot more plastic and alot less truck! John