02-28-2003 17:42:41
Re: Best Tractor to Start Pulling with in reply to Blake , 02-28-2003 16:31:23
Blake, You'll get a million opinions here, but I'll give ya mine anyway. I assume you are going to pull it stock; Div. 1, and stay in the lighter classes? If so, here is my top 3; 1)Oliver Super 66 2)Farmall Super C 3)Allis WD45 The Olie will be competitve from #3000 to #5000, and will give a decent showing even at #5500, but they are few and far between and expensive when ya do find one. The Super C is plentiful, relatively cheap to buy and work on, and without a quick hitch can start and be competitive in all the same classes as the Olie, probably won't make #3000 with the hitch, (she'll really come into her own at about #4000. I pull one and took 3rd in the NYS championships, #5000, lost by 1.5' to a Super 66, and 3' to a late model JD A. The WD45 is too light/overpowered to work well below about #4500, but will run up to about #5500. No shot at JD, but unless you supe up a B for the higher divisions, you might as well wait 'till the #5000 class and start with an A. Same with Farmall H's, and to some extent Super H's, in stock form, a Super C will almost always outpull a straight H, and be as competitive as a Super H, but give you more hooks by pulling in the lower classes. In the higher classes, it's wide open...Olie 88, Farmall M's and Super M's, Case DC's, JD G's, Minnie's... the list goes on and on. Pete