I have tried to let this pass but it really is not right. So for those who just don't happen to see it, here is my view.There is 1 little COWARD that lives up in Illinois or Indania, not sure of his REAL NAME (yet) but he seems to enjoy dragging down, NATPA, Greg Tilley, Bill Bear and Me. Evidently I am not allowed to have my own point of view so you trash me every chance you get you little COWARD. You use every name you can come up with. Your ISP has provided you with a group of IP ranges and they fall in the 216.138.38.xx range plus several other ranges that are very close. As I look down thru all the posts it just amazes me that you enjoy LYING as much as you do. You don't use your real name, you miss lead, and you try to convince everyone that NATPA is the devil. You are a LIE, CHEAT and COWARD you little BABY. I hope everyone who has been fooled into believing you were a legitiment person will look at the IP address to the right of the name and learn to disreguard any more messages from you as GARBAGE and STEELING breath from humanity. I also hope that they learn not to disagree with you and get tricked into posting thier REAL EMAIL addresses. It is a shame that pornography solicitors need email addresses to sell to other businnesses that are the garbage of humanity and that you need a legit email address to access their sight. I hope your mother or wife finds out that you are not a REAL MAN. I hope this long post finds you ready to stop and take a look at the kind of person you really are. So you don't like what NATPA is doing. Get over it because you don't pull Div 5. You just like the Brooks (which all seem to be good people IMO) don't drag down someone else because they are competing with them. That is really all that is going on. I hear Cox and one of the Brooks are going to build the same thing Bill has so what are you going to do then? Remember, unless you change your ISP we will know. Oh yeah, you and your buddy Puller or Puller of One, since you guys know my name lets just get it all out in the open and start using our real names. Maybe we can get together in Columbia when the season starts over this fall. Tim Crutcher Middle Tennessee.