G-Man, I would personally like you to know that it is a shot in the dark. I am always looking for ways to make my tractor improve, WITH OUT stroking it. It is not stroked, nor will it ever be. I remember reading a post along time ago that stated that the two cylinders are deprived of air. This is due to the stricken'd intake. Its just a shot in the dark. I would like to draw your attention to a certrain tool called a velocity stack. Do you get the magazine called THE PULLER? If so, look at page one. Right inside the front cover. Notice the cruisin mule, the object that partrudes out the side of his IH is called a velocity stack. I have a friend that works at a major company in a city close to my town. The company is a refrigeration supplier. He is a machinest that works on the air induction into their units. He has spent countless hours, and company money on the research of the veloctiy stack. This fullels the air into the cooling chamber as he would call it. Just as it is funneled into the turbo inlet. Where does this apply to me? All I am trying to do is make it easier for the tractor to get the much needed air to perform at its peak, which is at our around an estimated 80... 85 horse. I know there is going to be some major fuel issues involved, thats why the carb is being workd over... tinkered with. By a person tractor master. Dealing with the issue of rules. I have pulled against and beat in certain situations Oliver 88's. Yeah its sounds pretty same-o same-o. But, these Olivers had 1850 block inside of them. BIG DIFFERENCE. Oliver pullers, o my god, what a lucky group of people you are. I wish my 6030 could bolt into my G.. lol. Also, I would like to say that the tractors that I pulled against were some of the sharpest looking (different shade of green) and coolest sounding tractors that I have ever had a chance to watch (exception to the alchol burners at Tomah... wow). All I am saying is, im just trying to compete with you. With my 2 cylinders. In conclusion. Im not angry, upset, any that dosent apply. Im just trying another idea. If it works, ill help any others that want some ideas dealing wtih it. Until then... its time to kill until the first pull of the year when I can take my tractor back to stalk and go another year. Super G