2:00p - 4:00p Lawn Tractors 4:00/4:30pm until - Tractors & Trucks 23 classes Stock & Super 1960 and older: 5,700lb to 10,200lb Farm Stock: 10,500 and 11,500lb Super Farm: 10,700 and 11,700lb Five truck classes $10.00 hook fee ** NOTE: No tractor classes less than 5,700lb **To clarify comment on last pull about "puking" on track - if your truck or tractor drops an oil filter; engine falls apart and drops nuts, bolts, etc; you break an anxle and metal/castings etc. fall on the track, Owner/Driver is responsible for immediate clean up, or face a $50 fine (anything that interfers with the track and is a potential danger or interference for other drivers). What this is about is having the driver/owner help with cleaning the track, not walking away and having someone else do it for you. Blowing water on the track is not a problem. Pull line up available on www.hinsonauction.com