We had about 10 semis show up to pull, they give a real good smoke show.. yes there is camping, and electric hook ups. I recommend showing up the nite before to get a good parking spot!! I am not sure which rule you want, big tractors or antique. The big tractor specs are for ATPA super farm rules. I don't have the rules in front of me for the big tractors, I can post them later, here are the rules for antique::: I will try to make it short and sweet and to the point... 1956 and older. 15.5x38 or 14.9x38 max tire size(all classes) Modified classes: 4 mph, distance pull. 4500,5000,5500,6000,6500,7000,7500 are the weight classes for all tractors. 2 hooks per class 6 hook limit. front weights cannot exceed 11 ft from center of rear axle forward. Hitches, 18 from center of rear axle, 20 high. we have a rule that the front end cannot exceed 20 inches from the ground, they attatch a chain to the front of the tractor to measure this. (insurance reasons) any cut on tires allowed. FARM STOCK::: must be stock in appearance, weights can only be mounted in a stock fashion(to the wheels) 28 inches from axle 18 high. wheelie bars recomended, but not required. 3 mph speed limit, 1st gear only. un cut tires. 10% over rpms (not really enforced) If you need rules for the big tractors, I will get them on here with contact #s let me know Chads