Greg H.
08-23-2001 06:46:29
Re: Re: Need help in reply to Shohn, 08-22-2001 16:25:05
Shohn, I was gonna give you pointers on getting your A into second gear, but seeing as how you're ragging on an Oliver 88 man, I'd guess you've figured it out already. Otherwise you'd know better. Nothing wrong with having alittle JD pride, but arrogance and ignorance go hand in hand. Shohn you have to remember that tractor pulling is not about farming tractors anymore, it's a motor sport, with set ups and modifications, tires, balance, and everyone wanting to get the edge. Virtually any tractor can be made to run hot, that's why the whole arguments over who made the best tractor based on how they pull on the track is so ludicrous to me. It all boils down to how much is spent or modifications made to make them pull that way. In our little club alone, there are Farmall SM's, and Oliver 88's with 15 to 20 thousand in them. You've either got to be prepaired to spend money to win, and desicrate a perfectly wonderful classic tractor, or go out and have some fun with your A the way it is. Better yet sell the late model A to a collector that would apprechiate it and go out and trash an unstyled G. Regardless of how you do it, I wouldn't make fun of other brands. Good Luck to ya, Greg H.