Hi, The Northcentral Indiana Antique Tractor Pullers Association is having an Antique tractor pull in Nappanee, Indiana on Sept 21, 2003. sign in from 7-8:30am, pull starts at 9am. This is a percentage pull. 1956 and older. 15.5X38 max tire size. 4mph, any gear, for modified, 3 mph for farm stock. 1st gear only.weight classes:::: 3250-4500 mod 4mph any gear 3250-4500 farm stock 3 mph 1st gear only 4501-5500 mod 4mph any gear 4501-5500 farm stock 3mph 1st gear only 5501-6000 mod 4mph any gear 5501-6000 farm stock 3mph 1st gear only 6001-6500 mod 4mph any gear 6001-6500 farm stock 3mph 1st gear only 6501-7000 mod 4mph any gear 6501-7000 farm stock 3mph 1st gear only 7001-7500 mod 4 mph any gear 7001-7500 farm stock 3mph 1st gear only There is also a LOCAL CLASS, 3250-10000 farm stock 3mph 1st gear only. Local elegibility will be determined by the board of directors. Modified rules... must be stock in apperance Front weights must not exceed 11 ft from the rear axle 15.5X38 max tire size, any cut on tires allowed 4 mph, any gear 10%over rpm will be effect, so be ready to be checked!! must have tip over bars (wheelie bars) any custom hitch, 18 from center of rear axle, 20 high must have a 3 in opening in clevis A 20 in chain will be attached to the front of the tractor. if the front end comes up, and the chain comes off the ground, you are disqualified. (Insurance reasons??)ALL CLASSES!! Farm stock rules..... MUST BE STOCK IN APPEARENCE!! must have factory air cleaner, and hooked up to the carb. Parts may be removed, (hyd pumps, etc) as long as there was a steel plate in it's place 1st gear only!! 3mph 15.5X38 tire NO PRESSED STEEL RIMS UNLESS IT CAME FROM THE FACTORY!! IF CAST WAS USED, MUST HAVE CAST WHEELS. no exceptions. May use cut off spoked wheels. 10%over rpms, enforced, so be ready to be checked!!! HITCHES... 28 inches from the center of the rear axle (Farmall hitch spec) 18 high. must be factory hitch. Wheelie bars recommended, but not required on farm classes. NO cut Tires!!!! No suitcase weights, Stock or custom weights may be used on the front and rear wheels only!!! no other hang on weights will be allowed. Remember, This is a percentage pull, That means, who ever pulls it the farthest is not neesisarily the winner.. Nappanee, Indiana is located on the intersecton of state road 19 and US6. Follow up directions will be posted later today. Hook fees are 10 per hook for members. 12 per hook for non members. Can pull the same tractor up to 6 hooks. 2 hooks per class, per tractor. Hope to see you there!! ChadS