09-18-2003 18:45:33
Good evening, I must have ticked all of you off or something, Every post I have left in every forum, the last few days have had nothing but negative slams mixed in. What did I do to make you guys so upset towards me?? I know that some others may not feel this way, but, I am feeling a little unhappy with all of the slams. I can take criticism, I admit when I am wrong too. Am I posting too much?? Do I seem that egotistical?? I must not be doing a good job. I guess Athyrio may be right. My advice may be worn out here. I will say this, for those of you who asked questions to me, I tried to answer them to the best of my ability. Not from a book, or from someone elses posts, but from my experience, and my heart. I hope I have helped some of you, I enjoyed talking with all of you. I just can't seem to stay focused to give information, good information, when I have to see all that crap that others say to me. It is wrong for others to tear each other down, for no good reason. Why must we do that?? I chalk it up to human nature. I learned a valuable lesson over the last few days, I guess I may have worn out my welcome in someplaces. Someplaces not. I though I was doing a good deed by sharing what I have learned, over a 15 year journey into tractor pulling. I had to learn to be self sufficient. I do not have thousands of dollars in my pockets, maybe 20 bucks if I am lucky some days. I learned the hard way. Hands on experience. No fancy diplomas, or degrees, Just tractors, and a dyno, and a loving father who taught me everything I know. I can't belive how some people take something positive, and slam it into the ground and cast it asside like trash. I feel like dirt, It hurts me to think that another puller would degrade another like this. As of now, I will no longer post information on Engines, Farmalls, or my so called junk technology as one person called it. I am sorry for those of you who had nothing to do with this. I think of tractor pullers as my family. Why???? Because that is where I grew up, on the pulling track. with a dream to be the next Ralph Banter. Not a denny's wanna be. At least when I work on something, or build something, It is right on the money. For those of you who slammed me, You will see, one of my engines kick your A$$!!! You all know my email address,, or, you may still reach me there. I have no regrets, This is ChadS, logging off. see ya at the pulls. Sincerely, Chad Steininger. Steininger Pulling Team.