To All Who Unfairly Discriminate Based On Color, There are times when we should put down our different colored gloves and try to help those in need. There are people who are asking serious, simple questions about how to fix things on their tractors. WE NEED TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS, NOT JUST SLAM THEM FOR HAVING A CERTAIN COLOR OR BRAND OF TRACTOR. I mean, yeah it's easy to put down every color of tractor on the internet, but we all know that tractors are as good as the work that went into them. It seems like everyone is busy trying to put down the competition with words. Sure, these are just typed words and they are meant in jest, but sometimes they are not appropriate. These things are settled on the track. Bragging rights are earned, not typed. So, for the sake of those who are using this site as a resource, please quit filling up the forums with "My Balls are Bigger Than Your Balls" talk. If you wanna brag about tractor colors, then start your own discussion. But if a person is asking for help, then PLEASE HELP THEM! I am an Ag Teacher in SW Missouri and I have students who use this site to find helpful information about their restoration projects. There are times to have fun and there are times when we need to work together to help some people who are in need.
Signed, Mr. J