12-25-2003 11:37:34
Re: Re: Re: Re: 6030/619 cubic inch? in reply to 1206SWMO, 12-25-2003 08:35:37
My dream tractor like that would be a g-1000 MM, on LP or alky,, just like the Hull family. Big ol moster 6 cyl, twin turbos, on alcohol, what a ride that would be huh? IH dominated pulling for years,, JD has always been in there too, but most of them were the 4020, 4010, and was kinda rare to see a 5020 or even a 6030 at a national event,, today,, that is about all you see in classes above 7500,, 5020,6030, etc,, I love to see them pull!! But the IH,, has potential,, I am talking about in the SS catagory,, Remember Leroy Mason? He had that 766 a running good, but never heard what happened after 2001. They had to change so many rules to let him pull in the classes he ran,, weight advantages,, etc,, but what I cannot understand is this,, the big boys in pulling make this a money game and the biggest HP game in the world,, what makes the difference what kind of fuel you use? To me,, it is just like pulling a gas, spark plugged engine, against a diesil,,, I know the alky story,, Seen evolution as years passed,, ran it myself,, To me,, an alky engine is the way to go,, it takes less boost, (less chance for an explosion) Some use less rpm,, not all but some do,, And you can build them easier,, like a good street engine in a car,, and make the same, if not more power and torque trhat a diesil engine.. I don't know,, I could be wrong,, What do ya all think? ChadS