11-12-2001 20:01:05
Re: Re: portersville in reply to brian , 10-18-2001 09:18:59
Dearest Brian, Perhaps Instead of Being Critical of Those Who Operate the Scale, You Should Be a Little More Critical of Yourself. Maybe You Ought to work at a Pull Before You Mouth Off. You Need to Show Up at 6 PM on a Friday, Zero in a Scale That is Sure to Be Off All Night Long. You Put Up With Grown Men Acting Like Five Year Olds, and Blaming You Because The Scale Is Off, Something You Have No Control Over. Seven To Eight Tractors Lined Up At One Time Waiting To Weigh In, And They Must Or the Pull Will Stop, Also Factor In About Three Guys Who Pull Onto to The Scale In Between and Want You To Guess How Much Their Tractor Weighs. Because Of Them One May Go From 7500 lbs to 3500 lbs, Wonder Why The Scale Is Off? I am sure the scale girl would gladly zero it in for you, however because most wait until it is exactly their turn to pull to weigh in, they must be rushed through to continue on with the pull. And you know how you showed up at 6 PM, well you don't leave until 2 or 3 AM despite the fact you never left the scale all night long. I'm sure you will be pointed out as the up coming season comenses. Afterall, if you were a real tractor puller, you would not have time to be on the internet writing ignorance, you would be in the garage working on your tractor. If the scale at your association is so very accurate, stay there. Bill:Fair is Fair, there is no click, simply people having fun with something they enjoy. A Leson to you: You catch more Ladybugs with Sugar, than you ever will Vinegar... :o) I will definately hope to be watching that 13 year old boy beating you, maybe it isn't the tractor, perhaps it is the driver.