04-21-2004 14:30:49
For those of you who have Farmall H tractors with big power you may want to read this, When I pulled, I was in 3500 div 4, running 4th gear, was starting to get a load on the engine, when she shuttered, went about 3 more feet, and shuttered, and made some gruesome noises coming from the tranny. Stopped the tractor, and wondered, will it move? it did, after unhooking from the sled, and driving out to the truck, I tested all the gears, rode the brakes a bit, trying to make it slip, or strip the gear. Nothing happened, was not whinning, or making a clunking sound at all, HMMMMM!!!!!????$#^%Q#^#!! So I got it home, took off the belt pulley cover, looked in there with a light, couldn't see any teeth missin. Finally, removed the whole top plate, I found something interesting. Now that I could see down in the tranny, and inspect the shifter linkage, Found out what happened. 4th gear had a bad wear on the enguaging side of the gear, (typical gear grinding over the years) But had alot of fresh small breaks on half the gear. top and bottom gears. No teeth was missing, All I cna think of, is it was not fully shifted into 4th and when I put a hard load on it, it popped out, but never got into nuetral. I had a strap on the gear shift as well, I always have ran one on it, to help hold it in, but since the shifter was locked down, it kicked out of gear, but did not hit neutral. Sat there and stripped like you was shifting gears, LOL. The front shifter linkage was bent, and had a fresh gash in it on both sides of the fork. It is bent as well. Looks like I get to put in those new gears i made! LOL So, if you do get into the tranny of these tractors, have a look at it closely, don't let this happen to you! It happens to the best of em! LOL ChadS