North of 8 Rebel
06-06-2004 10:28:16
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pulls in Wisconsin in reply to waterloged, 06-05-2004 22:55:35
You can run "factory" turbos at Indian Creek, Clayton, Grantsburg, Osceola, Barron County Fair, any pull in Minnesota allows it, Rush City, Pine City, etc etc... Shell Lake allows factory turbos, Pierce County fair, Roberts allowed them,need I go on?? For the most part Indianhead are the only ones not allowing it! Polk County Fair doesn't allow it because even though they're not indianhead, Rod "they guy running the pull" doesn't have enough balls to make up his own mind on anything!! So if Indianhead is such a good association, and if they were actually concerned about putting on a good show, maybe they should take a few lessons from the "brush pulls"!! I see they managed to get there way into the race track at Centuria next weekend, that pull won't last. Oh yeah, another question for you. If Indianhead is such a great association, why did they loose all there hottest tractors (Rich Miller, Mike Olsen, Don Wohlk, Tom O'Connell) just for the sake of one puller who bought an overpriced superfarm turbo, and thus wanted everyone else to come down to his level?? Why did indianhead outlaw that AC 180 from turtle lake, yeah he's twin turboed, but once again, the best pullers in the country don't pull indianhead, seen that at Roberts obviously! Oh, lets not forget, can't have those Detroit powered olivers pulling either. Apparently no one on the rules committee knows how to read, or they could plainly read in any service literature that a detroit is NATURALLY ASPIRATED! But of course, if you can't beat it, boycott it! So tell me sir, give me some good honest answers for some good honest questions, inquiring minds want to know!!