You need to get some more sleep Bud!! LOL I doubt anyone in the club will dip the tanks, Yep you are right, percentage has drammaticly dropped. No, they did not detune their tractors, they tuned the sled in to their tractors. Think about it, if the tractors distance on the sled, weight of the tractor, does not change percentage, there is one other mathmatical figure to look at. the weight of the box. Here is a good example, along the lines of what you described,,, ever see them do a pull off??? they add weight to the sled, tractor full pulls again, percentage drops, due to the added weight to the sled. well, they added weight to the box, (and it was a big huge secret to the other members in the club!!!) and whoa and behold, you now have to be at 5000 to get to the first pylon, and you would darn near have to full pull it to get over 200 percent. here was the original formula to figure the percentage,, 83X distance pulled, + 3260 Divided by tractor weight= percentage pulled. Now look at the formula, probably twice the number of formula figures just to figure it. WHY????? ??? the excuse was OH it is the new sled monitoring equipment. BS!!!!! That box still goes up the rails, and a distance is taken, look at it now, you look at the distance figure from the sled, it is not in inches, I dont know what the measurement is read!! but they have to divide, multiply, add, and subtract just to get a darn distance off the sled!! Now, what would possess, them to change the perctanage formula, a formula that has worked so well for over 10 years,, has to be changed. why would you want to make it difficult??? You seen the formula I gave you,, tell you what,, you figure percentage with the old formula, and test it against the new one, and I guarentee that the new percentage is lower. Now I know,,,, I know ,, fair for everyone, right?? wrong.. I know why, to hide the factor that changes it all, the weight of the box. When ol Funkhouser ran the percentage, he always told us what the sled weighs,, used to be 21000 lbs empty. Now, if that sled aint up to 30000, empty now, I will kiss your A$$, and give you a month to draw a crowd!!! Did not tell a soul, except for the ones who did it. Is this fair for all??? Not in my book. First clue, that they added even more to it, was that they wanted to eliminate the classes under 4000lbs. Why?? they knew that with the added weight, a 4000 lb and under tractor wont pull it, so the thinking is,, why have to watch the little guys spin out 20 ft into their pull, so eliminate it!! Well, There is no way I will let that happen! So they kept the classes. To humor us,,, right??? Now they sit there and snicker at ya,, they cant pull the sled!!! And that, is a slap to a light pullers in this club. You know what?? Anyone can weight up to 5000, to 7000lbs, if you want to throw that many weights, more power to ya,, but what aboutthe light guys?? the ones who worked for over 10 years, to make thier lightweights pull like a big one. We got the shaft!! Do you think that does not force you to move up in weight classes,, it does, it is either that or get laughed back on the trailer. Bragging rights indeed. Making rules for themselves,, setting sleds up for the high rollers in the club, and then cuss you cause you complain, is that supposed to be fun??? I am a lightweight, lost in a heavyweight world. and they aint looking back either. So, what do I do??? Wait till next year Bud,, may have to be 5500 to move it up to the first cone, and spin out. Hey, here is another clue that they added weight to the box,, they are not adding all those weights to the sled like they used to,, for the heavy classes,, just shift gears, and maybe 1 or 2 sets of weights,, instead of 9 or 10 sets. HUH?? HUH?? What about that????? Now me, aint one bit sorry for a long post, I hope someone takes copies of it, and sends it to all of em!! This is my opinion, from experience with that particular club, sled, and persons who run the show. ChadS