North Central Indiana Antique Tractor Pullers ACC. Transfer sled, on dirt. Percentage pull, 57 and older, 15.5X38 tire limit, all classes, 10% rpm, farm stock, low gear only, 28 inches from center of the rear axle, 18 high. (same spec as farmall drawbar, with clevis) Weights must be in stock locations, on wheels, rear weight brackets on wheels allowed only. 3 mph. Mods, any gear, 4 mph, cut tires, div 3 rules basicly, Front ends cannot come off ground over 20 inches, or will be Disqualified. Safety, and insurance reasons.ALL CLASSES!! Wheelie bars, and kill switches. 3500-4000 lbs, farm and mods 4001-4500lbs, farm and mods 4501-5000lbs farm and mods 5001-5500 farm and mods LOCAL CLASS, 3500-10000 lbs, local elegibility determined by board, farm stock rules 5501-6000 farm and mods 6001-6500 farm and mods 6501-7000 farm and mods Winimac,, located at the Park, or fairgrounds, July 3,04 weigh in at 7-8:30 am pull starts at 9am pulling light to heavy I belive. Contact person,, Randy Zimmer 574-946-6800 Akron, July 4th, Akron Park, Weigh in at 7-8:30 am, pull at 9am. Heavy to light rotation, I belive as well, BUDD,, please correct me if I am wrong. Contact person Earl Steininger, or Chad Steininger, 574-893-7437 Same classes as mentioned. $15.00 per hook for non members, 10 for members, $20.00 membership fee. Percentage pulls,,, The tractor who pulls it the farthest,, is not neccisarily the winner. Interesting twist huh?? ChadS